
Mostly Politics, but some Health, Humour and Happiness A touch of Weird and a dash of Biographical. Above all I try to keep it interesting

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

A 63 yr. old left winger living in a 5 star shoebox in an inner suburb of Melbourne. Living alone, but have a 30 yr old son living in a neighbouring suburb. Retired and loving life. I love intercourse with people of all races, religions and colours. I harbour an intense dislike for Bush, Blair and Howard and their co-horts, as well as right wing shock jocks. I used to be a Government employee (TAFE) and when I left I was left with a small pension and a small nest egg. So lucky me, I don't need to work anymore. I love singing, playing guitar and playing tai chi. I live a life of frugal comfort. No more status anxiety or affluenza for me.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Best letters from today's Age

How many dead children make it a 'war crime'?

July 18, 2006

We show "restraint", it seems, by killing 10 children, not 100. We "minimise civilian casualties" by killing 100 children, not 1000. We make a "proportionate response" by bombing the generators that power the humidicribs that keep scores of infants breathing and the bridges over which the ambulances bring pregnant women to hospital. We don't call it "mass murder", "massacre" or "the slaughter of the innocents', though this is what Israel is up to, surely, in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.

For approving the killing of 142 innocent people, Saddam Hussein and others will hang. The total of innocent dead under Ehud Olmert's campaign has already passed 120. When it reaches 142, will he and his associates hang? Or would that be "disproportionate"?
A crime as large as the Beslan massacre, or the Bali bombing, and three times as large as the London Underground bombings, is being applauded by George Bush's UN bully John Bolton and his roving blitherer Condoleezza Rice - and a billion Muslims are taking note of their arrogant stupidity.

"Enough of blood," Yitzhak Rabin roared more than 10 years ago. The kidnappings, murders, torture cells, big lies and Biblical bombast of his successors shame his people. A just UN would try them in The Hague.
How many dead children is a "disproportionate response"? How many dead children a war crime? And who gets the naming rights? We should think on these things.
Bob Ellis, Palm Beach, NSW

On Israel's head

ISRAEL needs to be put on notice that as its warplanes are those that are bombing Lebanon and its navy is shelling Lebanese ports, it will be held responsible for any loss of Australian life in any organised rescue evacuation.
At the moment, the Israelis have signalled they do not value the lives of any other nationality except their own and consider all others worthless.
Canadian tourists have already been killed. It shouldn't be a matter of "asking" the Israeli generals to accommodate the evacuation of tens of thousands of foreign tourists but rather warning that loss of life - tourists and innocent local civilians alike - will further shred the fast-diminishing morality of the Israeli Government.
Brian Haill, Frankston
The big question

WHO cares whether it is John Howard or Peter Costello who is lying about some done (or not done) deal on leadership?
The big question voters should be asking themselves is whether they want - or whether Australia can afford - a prime minister against whom it would be easy to compile prima facie cases of war crimes (an illegal war on Iraq resulting in thousands of documented deaths), child abuse (detaining innocent infants for long periods in detention centres) and human rights violations (detaining genuine political refugees in detention centres for unreasonably long periods).
Bob Hawkins, Tinderbox, Tasmania
Victoria grabs the clean energy nettle

CONGRATULATIONS to the Bracks Government for increasing the levy on industrial waste from $30 to $130 a tonne (The Age, 17/7).
If this creates a burden for struggling manufacturers, then perhaps they should start thinking innovatively about how to re-use or reduce their waste, rather than whingeing about disposal charges.
While industry cries poor, toxins are accumulating in living systems around the planet. In the end, we're all paying for their waste.
Andrea Pape, Neutral Bay, NSW
Come in, guzzler

SO, HOLDEN has launched its new-generation Commodore (The Age, 17/7). Are we supposed to cheer, or weep?
Can we look forward to fuel efficiency, modest design and greenhouse and safety awareness? No, we get six or, unbelievably, eight cylinders and retuning to make more power. We get the quasi-sexual launch trimmings, with the tantalising glimpse of disc brake or sensually curved wheel. We get the desperate attempt to say that nothing's changed and we can go on consuming resources and producing greenhouse gasses.
It's because Australian males have small dicks and need some bullshit compensation
Michael Howes, Ascot Vale

Sunday, July 09, 2006

bullies are rarely brave; dragged to the depths of moral bankruptcy by John Howard; we are morally impoverished

My selection from today's papers

Fight or flight?
Now that the electoral commission's written distribution proposals are out, making the Prime Minister's seat of Bennelong a 3 per cent marginal seat, the big question is: will John Howard "cut and run" or stand like a man and face the people? He should not resile but confront his constituents so they can pass judgement on his damaging industrial relations legislation and a litany of untruths.
It is one thing to slap our brave, departing soldiers as they head off to Iraq to risk life and limb for the Howard Government's Iraqi wheat deals, to grossly mislead all of us on his mythical weapons of mass destruction for crude, political purposes, create racist divisions amongst us, and peddle lies on children overboard. It will be another thing for him to stand a fight. My belief is he will cut and run.
The reason is very simple: bullies are rarely brave.KEITH REMINGTON, Ascot Vale
The sound of silence
In writing about the David Hicks case (Sunday Age, 2/7), Michelle Grattan quotes former High Court chief justice Gerard Brennan as saying that, "we are morally impoverished". We have accepted - and Brennan refers to it as "supine acceptance" - the imprisonment, without trial, of David Hicks by the Bush regime in the Guantanamo concentration camp. What a sad indictment this is of us Australians, who take pride in the fact that we are always prepared to give others a fair go.
Why have we allowed ourselves to be dragged to the depths of moral bankruptcy by John Howard in this and so many other issues where justice is jeopardised?
We are prepared to take up arms for whales, trees, "abused" sheep and chooks but when the issue is one of simple justice for a fellow human being, our silence is deafening! Does our silence imply our consent for what Howard is doing to our country?
Sorry mate, no such thing as a fair go
PerspectiveBy Terry LaneJuly 9, 2006

Remember when the Man of Steel tried his hand at writing a preamble to the constitution? How he managed to go right to the heart of essential Australianness?
Australians are free to be proud of their country and heritage, free to realise themselves as individuals, and free to pursue their hopes and ideals. We value excellence as well as fairness, independence as dearly as mateship.
It is true that there is a want of poetry here. And how we laughed at the time at this feeble attempt to define the true spirit of Ozness. But one has had reason to take another look at Mr Howard's words these past few days and one has spotted a semantic error in the juxtaposed qualities a dinkum Aussie must keep in tension. We understand that excellence and fairness are euphemisms for profit on the one hand and a damn good thrashing if you ask for a decent wage on the other. And we understand that independence and mateship are code words for well-deserved wealth over dole bludging.
However, the opposite of mateship is not independence - it is paranoia. And if there's one thing the Man of Steel is good at, it is paranoia. Not only has he elevated it to the status of a virtue but he has almost succeeded in wiping out the last vestiges of the good old bush socialism we think of when we hear the word mateship.
The essence of mateship, as a universal virtue, is that it is an impulse to help strangers, assuming the best of them until they prove themselves unworthy of an altruistic helping hand. Mateship is a shorthand way of describing a system of social organisation based on the moral imperative of doing one for others without calculating that one day you may need them to do one for you. It is a sort of bucolic golden rule that even affects social interaction in the cities.
It is, of course, the very socialistic weakness of spirit that the Man of Steel and his cronies so despise. Here is what set me thinking along these lines. Last week, the Spouse took one of her occasional trips to Adelaide and before embarking in Melbourne she was gone over with the explosives sniffing device. This is the third time that this has happened to her at Melbourne airport. Now she is a cruel woman, but you would never know that from just looking at her. So why is she singled out for the explosives treatment?
In Adelaide, she has a small accident. A water bottle in her bag leaks and items in the bag get wet. She asks a shop assistant for a plastic bag into which to separate the wet from the dry. She is told that she can't have a plastic bag because she will use it to steal merchandise. She asks another assistant. And another. Same response. (Harris Scarfe, in case you're wondering.) Then she misses her bus and a stranger, seeing her distress, tells her to hop in his car and he will take her to the next stop. Who is this man, ready to help a terrorist shoplifter in distress? A white-slaver? A mate?
When the Prime Minister reads the parable of the Good Samaritan, he probably despises the Samaritan as a sentimental fool and cheers the priest and the Levite who had the good sense to pass by on the other side.
Why have we allowed ourselves to be dragged to the depths of moral bankruptcy by John Howard in this and so many other issues where justice is jeopardised?
We are prepared to take up arms for whales, trees, "abused" sheep and chooks but when the issue is one of simple justice for a fellow human being, our silence is deafening! Does our silence imply our consent for what Howard is doing to our country?

Friday, June 30, 2006

Mike Wran re: Climate Change, Israeli hypocrisy

Some good on line radio past programmes here.
Do you ever listen to on line radio? It's Good!


Today's breakfast show was good, but it's too early in the day for the ABC to have posted it.There was a very good interview with Mike Wran re. climate change. A slap in the face for that idiot Senator McGhaurin (I think I've misspelt it) Who cares.
I like this letter to "the Age" this morning.
Israeli hypocrisy
THE outrage expressed by Israel over its captured soldier must take the cake for hypocrisy. The Israelis currently imprison more than 9000 Palestinian men, 336 juveniles and 113 women.
Many, if not all, are held illegally in direct contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Security Council Resolution 1322 of 2000. Israeli contempt for international humanitarian law is perennial, but in this case it is stark.
Matthew McKenzie, Gumeracha, SA

Thursday, June 22, 2006

New book by John Pilger.

New book by John Pilger.

The War on Children
Posted: Jun 15 2006, 08:52 PM

The War on ChildrenJohn Pilger – New Statesman June 14, 2006

The most vulnerable people in Gaza are suffering the worst acute mental and physical trauma as a result of Israel's actions: almost half the population is under 15.Arthur Miller wrote, "Few of us can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense.

The thought that the state has lost its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied." Miller's truth was a glimpsed reality on television on 9 June when Israeli warships (1) fired on families picnicking on a Gaza beach, killing seven people, including three children and three generations.

What that represents is a final solution, agreed by the United States and Israel, to the problem of the Palestinians. While the Israelis fire missiles at Palestinian picnickers and homes in Gaza and the West Bank, the two governments are to starve them. The victims will be mostly children. This was approved on 23 May by the US House of Representatives, which voted 361-37 to cut off aid to non-government organisations that run a lifeline to occupied Palestine. Israel is withholding Palestinian revenues and tax receipts amounting to $60m a month. Such collective punishment, identified as a crime against humanity in the Geneva Conventions, evokes the Nazis' strangulation of the Warsaw ghetto and the American economic siege of Iraq in the 1990s.

If the perpetrators have lost their minds, as Miller suggested, they appear to understand their barbarism and display their cynicism. "The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet," joked Dov Weisglass, an adviser to the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert. This is the price Palestinians must pay for their democratic elections in January.

The majority voted for the "wrong" party, Hamas, which the US and Israel, with their inimitable penchant for pot-calling-the-kettle-black, describe as terrorist. However, terrorism is not the reason for starving the Palestinians, whose prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, had reaffirmed Hamas's commitment to recognise the Jewish state, proposing only that Israel obey international law and respect the borders of 1967.

Israel has refused because, with its apartheid wall under construction, its intention is clear: to take over more and more of Palestine, encircling whole villages and eventually Jerusalem. The sniper's woundThe reason Israel fears Hamas is that Hamas is unlikely to be a trusted collaborator in subju- gating its own people on Israel's behalf. Indeed, the vote for Hamas was actually a vote for peace. Palestinians were fed up with the failures and corruption of the Arafat era.

According to the former US president Jimmy Carter, whose Carter Centre verified the Hamas electoral victory, "public opinion polls show that 80 per cent of Palestinians want a peace agreement with Israel". How ironic this is, considering that the rise of Hamas was due in no small part to the secret support it received from Israel, which, with the US and Britain, wanted Islamists to undermine secular Arabism and its "moderate" dreams of freedom.

Hamas refused to play this Machiavellian game and in the face of Israeli assaults maintained a ceasefire for 18 months. The objective of the Israeli attack on the beach at Gaza was clearly to sabotage the ceasefire. This is a time-honoured tactic. Now, state terror in the form of a medieval siege is to be applied to the most vulnerable.

For the Palestinians, a war against their children is hardly new. A 2004 field study published in the British Medical Journal reported that, in the previous four years, "Two-thirds of the 621 children . . . killed [by the Israelis] at checkpoints . . . on the way to school, in their homes, died from small arms fire, directed in over half the cases to the head, neck and chest - the sniper's wound." A quarter of Palestinian infants under the age of five are acutely or chronically malnourished.

The Israeli wall "will isolate 97 primary health clinics and 11 hospitals from the populations they serve." The study described "a man in a now fenced-in village near Qalqilya [who] approached the gate with his seriously ill daughter in his arms and begged the soldiers on duty to let him pass so that he could take her to hospital. The sol-diers refused." Gaza, now sealed like an open prison and terrorised by the sonic boom of Israeli fighter aircraft, has a population of which almost half is under 15. Dr Khalid Dahlan, a psychiatrist who heads a children's community health project, told me, "The statistic I personally find unbearable is that 99.4 per cent of the children we studied suffer trauma . . . 99.2 per cent had their homes bombarded; 97.5 per cent were exposed to tear gas; 96.6 per cent witnessed shooting; a third saw family members or neighbours injured or killed."

These children suffer unrelenting nightmares and "night terrors" and the dichotomy of hav-ing to cope with these conditions. On the one hand, they dream about becoming doctors and nurses "so they can help others"; on the other, this is then overtaken by an apocalyptic vision of themselves as the next generation of suicide bombers. They experience this invariably after attacks by the Israelis.

For some boys, their heroes are no longer football players, but a confusion of Palestinian "martyrs" and even the enemy, "because Israeli soldiers are the strongest and have Apache gunships". That these children are now to be punished further may be beyond human comprehension, but there is a logic.

Over the years, the Palestinians have avoided falling into the abyss of an all-out civil war, knowing this is what the Israelis want. Destroying their elected government while attempting to build a parallel administration around the collusive Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, may well produce, as the Oxford academic Karma Nabulsi wrote, "a Hobbesian vision of an anarchic society . . . ruled by disparate militias, gangs, religious ideologues and broken into ethnic and religious tribalism, and co-opted collaborationists.

Look to the Iraq of today: that is what [Ariel Sharon] had in store for us." The new "body count"The struggle in Palestine is an American war, waged from America's most heavily armed foreign military base, Israel. In the west, we are conditioned not to think of the Israeli-Palestinian "conflict" in those terms, just as we are conditioned to think of the Israelis as victims, not illegal and brutal occupiers.

This is not to underestimate the initiative of the Israeli state, but without F-16s and Apaches and billions of American taxpayers' dollars, Israel would have made peace with the Palestinians long ago. Since the Second World War, the US has given Israel some $140bn, much of it as armaments. According to the Congressional Research Service, the same "aid" budget was to include $28m "to help [Palestinian] children deal with the current conflict situation" and to provide "basic first aid".

That has now been vetoed. Karma Nabulsi's comparison with Iraq is apposite, for the same "policy" applies there. The capture of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a wonderful media event: what the philosopher Hannah Arendt called "action as propaganda", and hav-ing little bearing on reality. The Americans and those who act as their bullhorn have their demon - even a video game of his house being blown up.

The truth is that Zarqawi was largely their creation. His apparent killing serves an important propaganda purpose, distracting us in the west from the American goal of converting Iraq, like Palestine, into a powerless society of ethnic and religious tribalism. Death squads, formed and trained by veterans of the CIA's "counter-insurgency" in central America, are critical to this. The Special Police Commandos, a CIA creation led by former senior intelligence officers in Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party, are perhaps the most brutal.

The Zarqawi killing and the myths about his importance also deflect from routine massacres by US soldiers, such as the one at Haditha. Even the puppet prime minister Nouri al-Maliki complains that murderous behaviour of US troops is "a daily occurrence". As I learned in Vietnam, a form of serial killing, then known officially as "body count", is the way the Americans fight their colonial wars.

Put out more flagsThis is known as "pacification". The asymmetry of a pacified Iraq and a pacified Palestine is clear. As in Palestine, the war in Iraq is against civilians, mostly children. According to Unicef, Iraq once had one of the highest indicators for the well- being of children.

Today, a quarter of children between the ages of six months and five years suffer acute or chronic malnutrition, worse than during the years of sanctions. Poverty and disease have risen with each day of the occupation. In April, in British-occupied Basra, the European aid agency Saving Children from War reported: "The mortality of young children had increased by 30 per cent compared with the Saddam Hussein era."

They die because the hospitals have no ventilators and the water supply, which the British were meant to have fixed, is more polluted than ever. Children fall victim to unexploded US and British cluster bombs. They play in areas contaminated by depleted uranium; by contrast, British army survey teams venture there only in full-body radiation suits, face masks and gloves.

Unlike the children they came to "liberate", British troops are given what the Ministry of Defence calls "full biological testing". Was Arthur Miller right? Do we "internally deny" all this, or do we listen to distant voices? On my last trip to Palestine, I was rewarded, on leaving Gaza, with a spectacle of Palestinian flags fluttering from inside the walled compounds. Children are responsible for this. No one tells them to do it. They make flagpoles out of sticks tied together, and one or two climb on to a wall and hold the flag between them, silently.

They do it, believing they will tell the world. John Pilger's new book, "Freedom Next Time", is published by Bantam Press (£17.99). His website is [ www.johnpilger.com ] This article first appeared in the New Statesman.www.newstatesman.com/200606190029 (1) Actually the the shelling appears to have come from Israeli 155mm artillary. See 'Shrapnel Evidence Points to Israel's Involvement'. Ed.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

a "turd with attitude".

My favourite recent opinion piece from "The Australian"
I think there's a lesson in it somewhere for me.

Bill Leak: To a conceptual artist, dog doings are a nice little earnerTHE WRY SIDE
June 19, 2006

I'VE known some artbags (ratbags of the art world) in my life, but a bloke I met in Paris in 1978 was one of the greatest. Mort hailed from Canada and realised his potential as a conceptual artist one freezing day when he accidentally kicked a dog turd in the street and, instead of making a mess of his shoe, it rocketed off like a small piece of concrete and landed a couple of yards in front of him. Mort described it as a "turd with attitude".

"It just sat there, defying me to kick it again," he said.

So he did. And not just once. He kicked it all the way down the block to his home, wrapped it carefully in plastic, placed it in the snow and, the next day, took it off and had it cast in bronze.
When he took receipt of his objet d'art a few days later, he was so pleased with what he saw he amassed a pile of photos of it and paired them up with copies of a page or two of the most impenetrable drivel imaginable. He then came up with a reasonable price, doubled it, got out the envelopes and fired off his first once-in-a-lifetime offer to every gallery he could find an address for in Canada, the US and Europe.

A few weeks later he was back at the foundry, placing orders. His cold turds were selling like hot cakes and Mort was looking at a stellar career in art. When I told him I couldn't work out whether he was a bullshit artist or a dogshit artist, Mort just laughed, and said: "What does it matter? Shit sells."

While in Paris, he went through a phase during which he wasn't capable of selling quite enough of it to keep body and soul together. It was time to come up with another Mort rort. Once again he set off in search of a foundry, this time with a set of dessert plates, all of different sizes, and had them cast in brass. He instructed the metalworker to attach little hooks to the bottom of each plate and, back in the studio, constructed a frame from which to hang them, upside down and in a row.

A couple of weeks later he invited me to come along to the second performance of Mort's Evening of Meditation. "Promise not to laugh during the show," he insisted.
He'd hired a dingy church hall and advertised widely. I duly turned up, paid my few francs at the door, received my complimentary candle and went inside. When I saw the other meditators squatting around all over the floor I remembered Mort telling me to bring a cushion. Too late. The lights illuminating the little stage went out, leaving me clutching my candle and wondering what to expect.

Looking around, I could see the others were veterans of this kind of thing. Most of them had their eyes closed, presumably already half the way to Nirvana.
Mort could have probably left it at that and not bothered to appear at all but no, after what seemed like an eternity, he glided out on to the stage, whopping big candle in one hand and a couple of mallets in the other. Dressed only in a white robe, he looked as though he might have left a camel parked outside.

He calmly took his place, knees crossed, on the floor behind his ominous looking line-up of bowls and proceeded to do absolutely nothing except bow his head and keep the punters waiting for another 10 minutes or so.

Then, with a slow but definitive gesture, he bonged the biggest bowl with one of the soft mallets. The sound went on for quite a while before we had silence in the room again. A minute or two later he bonged one of the smaller bowls, waited for its tone to disappear and then bonged another one. He kept this up - and I kept a straight face - for almost 90 minutes. I was glad I could stop maintaining control when afterwards we both laughed uproariously, drinking the proceeds in a pub.

Soon the place was getting so packed on Sundays he had to start doing matinees.
The money he made was enough to tide him over until he had a brilliant idea for another conceptual artwork too tiresome to describe here, originals of which he managed to flog off to 15 galleries in America, thereby getting his art career back on track. He even had the gall to call the piece Money because, as he said, that was what it was all about.
So, if you're visiting a conceptual exhibition or happen to find yourself wandering about in the Sydney Biennale, look at the artworks themselves and try to avoid reading the gibberish on the walls beside them or in the catalogue.

That way you might be able to work out for yourself if you're in the presence of great art or if another Mort is behind it all, gleefully pulling your leg.
and to top it off, here's Bills cartoon for the day.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Nope, it's got me buggered why they hate our way of life.

Nope, it's got me buggered why they hate our way of life.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

This seems to be a "feel good" story. I hope it is, ------ but why do I feel cynical

Greenie in charge of the greenbackEnvironmentalists have welcomed George W.Bush's choice of financier Henry Paulson as Treasury Secretary, writes Sarah Baxter
June 09, 2006
This seems to be a "feel good" story. I hope it is, ------ but why do I feel cynical

FOR greens used to bashing US President George W.Bush, it is a puzzle. Last week, the hater of the Kyoto treaty and former oilman gave the key job of Treasury Secretary to one of the most environmentally friendly multi-millionaires on the planet.

Henry "Hank" Paulson is a leading name on Wall Street, where he accumulated pound stg. 370million as chairman and chief executive of investment bank Goldman Sachs. But he is also known as an ardent advocate of nature conservation and the prevention of global warming.
"He's way too green for some folk," a former Bush administration official said.
Environmentalists are cheering over his nomination. "It's very encouraging to have somebody at that level in the financial world who understands that promoting the economy and the environment go hand in hand," said Dave Willett of the Sierra Club, a leading conservation group.

Placing an avid green in charge of the mighty greenback is a stretch for Bush, but support for the environment is no longer confined to tree-huggers or Al Gore, the Cannes Film Festival darling whose documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, has Democrats buzzing about a 2008 presidential run.

Some of the toughest neoconservative hawks in the war on terror, such as James Woolsey, the former CIA chief, and General Brent Scowcroft, a veteran of right-wing realpolitik, have become alarmed by the prospect of climate change. They also oppose the financial and political muscle that oil hands to the US's enemies in the Middle East. Bush signalled that he was shifting his position during his State of the Union speech in January, when he called for the production of ethanol for cars, "not just from corn but from wood chips, stalks or switch grass".
The comedians had a field day, but Paulson's appointment is a sign that American greens are going mainstream. The 60-year-old is chairman of the Nature Conservancy, the world's wealthiest environmental group, which supports the Kyoto Protocol on global warming and last year donated $70million in Goldman Sachs stock to the cause.

Paulson is expected to bring his passion for the subject to the Bush administration's cabinet table. "He is unhesitant in expressing his opinion when he thinks it is the right thing to do," said Steve McCormick, president of the Nature Conservancy. "I'm sure that if there's an opportunity for Hank to provide his point of view on this issue, he will take advantage of it."
Raised as a Christian Scientist on a farm in Illinois, the teetotal Paulson dreamed of becoming a forest or park ranger as a boy.

He and his wife, Wendy, an environmental education teacher who went to college with Hillary Clinton, have raised a menagerie of flying squirrels, raccoons, lizards, snakes, mice, frogs, cats, dogs and a tarantula on a site that used to be part of his parents' farm. On his way to work in New York, Paulson would often stop off at Central Park for a spot of birdwatching and invited falconers to show off birds of prey to office staff.

He had to be wooed into accepting the Treasury post and commentators have hailed his nomination as an unexpected outbreak of competence on Mr Bush's part. "They're so desperate they're scraping the top of the barrel," is one of the jokes doing the rounds about his nomination, which still has to be confirmed by the Senate.

Bush chose Paulson for the job because of his sound reputation on Wall Street, his strong support for tax cuts and free trade, and his soothing belief that economic growth -- which hit a cracking pace of 5.3 per cent in the first quarter of this year -- will help to solve the yawning US budget deficit. There are not expected to be any sudden changes of heart about drilling for oil in Alaska, the signing of the Kyoto treaty or other touchstone environmental issues.

Bush has dropped his outright scepticism about the existence of global warming, but still doubts whether it is a man-made phenomenon. He said recently that he regretted the hostile anti-green tone he struck during his first term as President.
Instead of simply opposing the Kyoto treaty on global warming as "a lousy deal for America", the President reflected: "I guess I should have started differently ... and said we will invest in new technologies that will enable us to use fossil fuels in a much wiser way." Christie Whitman, a Republican who had an unhappy time as head of the Environmental Protection Agency in Bush's first term, believes that Paulson's appointment will nudge policy along.
"One of the biggest raps against some environmental proposals is that they are not economically sound," she said. "One of the things that his kind of advocacy can do is to put a lie to that."
A few lone conservative voices, who believed that a Bush government of Texas oilmen would have no time for green nonsense, are urging senators to reject Paulson's nomination.

"You do not want someone serving as a cabinet officer who has a habit of indulging his environmental hobby at the expense of his financial responsibilities," said Tom Borelli of the Free Enterprise Action Fund. Yet Paulson has just as fearsome a reputation for ruthlessness, which should serve him well. On fishing trips, colleagues recall how he would not stop until he had reeled in the best catch of the day. In his time at Goldman Sachs he bagged big clients with the same tenacity. "He loved going after the big fish," said Robert Hurst, his former boss.
Persuading Bush to go green could be his greatest catch yet.
The Sunday Times