
Mostly Politics, but some Health, Humour and Happiness A touch of Weird and a dash of Biographical. Above all I try to keep it interesting

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

A 63 yr. old left winger living in a 5 star shoebox in an inner suburb of Melbourne. Living alone, but have a 30 yr old son living in a neighbouring suburb. Retired and loving life. I love intercourse with people of all races, religions and colours. I harbour an intense dislike for Bush, Blair and Howard and their co-horts, as well as right wing shock jocks. I used to be a Government employee (TAFE) and when I left I was left with a small pension and a small nest egg. So lucky me, I don't need to work anymore. I love singing, playing guitar and playing tai chi. I live a life of frugal comfort. No more status anxiety or affluenza for me.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Mike Wran re: Climate Change, Israeli hypocrisy

Some good on line radio past programmes here.
Do you ever listen to on line radio? It's Good!


Today's breakfast show was good, but it's too early in the day for the ABC to have posted it.There was a very good interview with Mike Wran re. climate change. A slap in the face for that idiot Senator McGhaurin (I think I've misspelt it) Who cares.
I like this letter to "the Age" this morning.
Israeli hypocrisy
THE outrage expressed by Israel over its captured soldier must take the cake for hypocrisy. The Israelis currently imprison more than 9000 Palestinian men, 336 juveniles and 113 women.
Many, if not all, are held illegally in direct contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Security Council Resolution 1322 of 2000. Israeli contempt for international humanitarian law is perennial, but in this case it is stark.
Matthew McKenzie, Gumeracha, SA


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